Homeowners Insurance Quote
Homeowners Insurance
The Right Homeowners Insurance For You
We can help you find the homeowner’s insurance that will provide the most valuable combination of tailored coverage, quality service and fair pricing. Your home is your castle, the center of your every daily life, and likely your most valuable asset. If your home is damaged or destroyed, you need your claim settled by an insurance company that understands this simple fact.
Insurance for All Types of Homes
Depending on where you live – a house, apartment, or condominium – the right homeowners insurance policy can give you peace of mind as well as the money you need to repair or replace your home and/or belongings.
FLORIDA– What you need to know about homeowners insurance
Insuring the place you call home, whether you own or rent, can help protect you financially if you suffer a loss due to fire, theft, vandalism, or other covered events. In the event someone is injured while on your property and wins a legal judgment against you, it will also cover you.
Homeowners’ policies differ by which losses are covered, which coverages you choose, and what type of residence you own. You choose which policy is best for you, whether it’s a comprehensive policy that cover losses such as fire, hail, smoke, falling objects, vandalism and theft of personal property, or a policy that covers only specified losses.
Al DeLeon & Associates is here to help you find the right insurance for your home
We will work with you to find a home insurance policy that fits your needs, whether you’re a home or condo owner, a renter, or a landlord. We specialize in making it easy to choose the insurance coverage that gives you the most coverage for the best price.
Your home insurance policy is made up of the specific options you choose, so how much you’ll pay for your policy depends on:
What coverage you select. Homeowners insurance options are typically priced individually, so your payments will be a direct result of the coverage purchased.
Where you want your deductible set. Lower deductibles usually increase your premium by shifting less of the loss payment to you. For example, if you have a $500 deductible, you would be responsible only for paying the first $500 of the covered loss.
Where you set your liability limits. You might decide to set higher limits than the recommended amount for more protection.
The Right Coverage + The Right Price = The Right Value
Look at your home and the assets you want to protect. The amount you pay for your homeowners insurance depends on the different types of coverage you may need.
Protection for Your Home
If your home is damaged or destroyed by an insured event like a kitchen fire or windstorm, Property Insurance or Dwelling Coverage typically pays to repair or rebuild your home.
Personal Liability Coverage
Protection for you or other people falls under Personal Liability Coverage. It applies if someone is injured or their property is damaged and you are at fault. This coverage generally applies anywhere in the world.
When deciding your liability coverage limits, things to consider would be like how much money you make and the assets you own. You need to protect your assets if you are sued, so your personal liability coverage should be high enough to cover them.
Medical Coverage
If guests are injured on your property, this covers medical expenses for them, and in certain cases covers people who are injured off of your property. Health Care costs are not covered for you or other members of your household, it would be covered under a separate policy.
Additional Living Expenses
In the event of a covered loss, if you can’t live in your home, your home insurance policy will pay additional living expenses—typically for up to 24 months—while damage is appraised and your home is either repaired or rebuilt.
Protection for Your ‘Stuff’
You live in your home and it is filled with furniture, clothes, electronics and other items, some that mean a lot to you. Personal Property Insurance (PPI) will help you replace these items if they are lost, stolen or destroyed as a result of a covered loss.
Scheduled Personal Property Coverage
Valuables such as wedding rings, art, antiques, musical instruments can be covered with Scheduled Personal Property Coverage. If you have special possessions such as these, you should talk to your agent about this additional coverage as it provides broader coverage for those specific items.
If You Are a Landlord
Optional liability coverage is available to Landlords for the risks posed by tenant-occupied dwellings.
Protect the Things that Matter to You
You should make an inventory of your home and personal belongings. Where possible, make a list coupled with photos or videos. Utilizing two inventory methods can help you get your claim resolved more quickly. This list should be kept somewhere other than your home in the event there is a catastrophic event. Be aware that your policy doesn’t cover damages caused by poor maintenance on the owner’s part.
Every homeowner’s situation is unique – contact us today to find out how to get the best price and value on homeowners insurance for you. Feel free to fill out the form on this page and an Agent will contact you shortly.